Choose your plot to adopt

We have divided Reg’s Wildflower Meadow into six areas and assigned a champion flower species to each of these areas. You may like to choose an area of the meadow which is special to you or a species of flower you’re most fond of. You can adopt as many plots and as many times as you like. Take a look at our aerial image to help you select your preferred plot or plots. Click anywhere on the picture to start adopting and become a guardian today.

Guardians of the Meadow will receive a certificate of adoption and their name will be presented on a special sign, located at the Trust. It costs £100 per plot adoption and this lasts for five years. As a guardian, you will be helping to preserve the future of the Trust and your support will be greatly appreciated.

We are asking for your help to secure the future of the Hawk Conservancy Trust by becoming a Guardian of the Meadow and help protect the future of the meadow, the Hawk Conservancy Trust and ultimately the fortunes of birds of prey and their habitats.
©2024 Hawk Conservancy Trust