Become a supporter

Birds of prey face varied, multiple and continued threats.  Our passion is to conserve them both in the UK and overseas every day and if you share this passion you can help too. This scheme enables you to support our conservation work on a regular basis without having to visit.

As a valued supporter, you will receive:

You can choose the amount you wish to donate from £3 a month and designate the funds to one of the four following programmes:

To become a supporter and donate monthly, please call us on 01264 773850.

Alternatively, for one off donations, you can donate online using the circled options at the bottom  of this page.

British Raptors
The Hawk Conservancy Trust's conservation work in the UK aims to generate net positive outcomes for populations of British birds of prey.
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Overseas Raptors
The International Vulture Programme (IVP) is a multi-partner initiative that focuses efforts on the research and conservation of six vulture species in eight countries.
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Hospital and Rehabilitation
Opened by the Duke of Gloucester, the Hawk Conservancy Trust's National Bird of Prey Hospital™ can receive and treat more than 200 sick, injured or orphaned birds of prey each year.
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Education is a fundamental element of all the Trust does in the visitor centre on a daily basis, from signs around the grounds to school outreach visits and training veterinary students.
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help develop education materials
give a wild owl a home
help an injured bird recover in our hospital
help restore critically endangered vulture populations
buy a Poison Response Kit
Donations are a vital source of funding and go directly towards our conservation, education, rehabilitation and research work
©2025 Hawk Conservancy Trust