Statement from the Hawk Conservancy Trust Board of Directors

This statement sets out the Hawk Conservancy Trust’s position regarding the operation of flying demonstrations.

Following a thorough risk assessment and extensive consultation with the Trust’s Local Authority representatives, the Hawk Conservancy Trust will conduct flying demonstrations from Monday 12 April 2021 in its spacious arenas where visitors can be safely seated two metres apart.

Test Valley Borough Council and Public Health Consultants at Hampshire County Council have confirmed that the Hawk Conservancy Trust is permitted to hold flying displays from Monday 12 April 2021. The Trust has received confirmation that these authorities are satisfied with the risk assessment and procedures that the Trust has in place and that the activities planned are permitted at Step Two of the government roadmap, confirmed as proceeding from Monday 12 April 2021.

The Trust will ensure that the risk assessment is rigorously implemented and the number of extensive procedures that have been deployed throughout the organisation will continue to ensure the maximum safety of Trust visitors and staff. These have been carefully reviewed with our Local Authority representatives.

Based on an assessment of our arena sizes, together with our self-imposed restrictions on visitor numbers, we are confident that groups of up to six (even if they each need to sit two metres apart as they are from different households) and groups of two households (again, seated separately) can enter the arenas, sit in the arenas during the display and leave the arenas whilst maintaining a social distance of two metres. We have trained personnel managing the seating arrangements, the entrance and exit of visitors into the arena, and require visitors to use hand sanitiser when entering the arena. We also manage other queue points to ensure that social distancing is maintained and that all requirements relating to masks and hand sanitiser use are observed.

©2024 Hawk Conservancy Trust