Falcons have small cartilageous structures in the middle of their nares that create turbulence as air rushes towards their face during a high-speed stoop.

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Eagles are often regarded to be, or portrayed as, symbols of power, freedom and transcendence.

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Like other species of eagle owl, the Siberian Eagle Owl has ear tufts which aren’t actually ears at all, but are feathers that are raised or lowered according to the bird’s mood.

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Eagle nests are, on average, five feet in diameter. They are often reused year after year and as such can reach up to nine feet across.

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Many birds hunt, kill and eat meat but they may not be raptors. Only raptors have hooked beaks with sharp edges, feet with sharp, curved claws or talons and keen eyesight.

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Pound for pound a European Buzzard has eyes roughly 50 to 80 times larger than an average human’s.

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Most birds of prey have a third eyelid which acts a bit like a windscreen wiper for their eyes.

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Feathers can account for about 14-20% of the total weight of a bird.

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Many birds of prey are able to tackle prey up to three times their own weight.

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Amur Falcons are one of the world’s longest distance migrants. They travel from South Africa to northern China and fly for 2-3 days non-stop while covering a distance of more than 3000km!

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