National Bird of Prey Hospital™

Gain an insight into the fascinating work of the Trust’s National Bird of Prey Hospital™ helping to treat, monitor and rehabilitate wild, injured birds of prey, with a talk from an experienced member of our team.

Pupils will learn about the hospital’s role as a facility for our conservation, research and rehabilitation work, and have the opportunity to ‘ask the expert’ any questions about caring for wild birds and the job role itself.

Our hospital is a fascinating facility and provides a wonderful opportunity for us to talk about and show pupils some of the stages of the bird of prey life cycle.

With some species it’s possible the pupils will be able to view them in brooding incubators or when the chicks are a little older they can be brought outside. It’s a really special experience for the pupils but it is dependent on timing and, of course, nature! Unfortunately, we cannot take visitors and groups inside the hospital. However, pupils will find out who is in receiving treatment at the time of their visit and there is often the opportunity to discreetly view patients being prepared for their release back to the wild!

We do advise that pupils come prepared with any questions as it’s a great opportunity to engage with a professional with an unusual job. This activity supports the continual development of pupils’ confidence and competence in spoken language and listening skills.

Key subject:

English (report writing)

Subject links to:

Media studies (writing for an audience), Science

Adaptable for:

Key Stage 1 – Key Stage 4


Curriculum links:

Running time:

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If you are interested in finding out more or booking one of our on-site school workshops, please get in touch using the below form.

    During which term are you looking to arrange your trip?

    Please tell us which workshop you are interested in:
    Conservation in ActionAsk the ExpertIntroduction to OwlsBird of Prey AdaptationsOwl Pellet DissectionI'm not sure yetI only want to book a visit, I'm not interested in the workshops

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    Did you know?
    The Striated Caracara is the most southerly nesting bird of prey. They nest in the Falkland Islands, Cape Horn and Tierra del Fuego.
    ©2025 Hawk Conservancy Trust