Hawk Conservancy Trust Publications

This is a list of publications that have been authored or co-authored by members of the Hawk Conservancy Trust team.


Shaw, P., Ogada, D., Dunn, L., Buij, R., Amar, A., Garbett, R., Herremans, M., Virani, M., Kendall, C., Croes, B., Odino, M., Kapila, S., Wairasho, P., Rutz, C., Botha, A., Gallo-Orsi, U., Murn, C., Maude, G. & Thomsett, S. (2024) African savanna raptors show evidence of widespread population collapse and a growing dependence on protected areas. Nature Ecology & Evolution

Vis, M.W.A., Udo, R., Fischer, D. & Robertson, J. (2024) EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Gyps africanus, Gyps fulvus and Gyps rueppelli. European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. To request paper, please email info@hawkconservancy.org.


Portugal, S. J., Ozturk, R., Murn, C. P., Potier, S. & Martin, G. R. (2023) Anomalous binocular vision in African Harrier-hawks. Current Biology 33: R1142-R1143.


Chaudhry, M. J. I. & Murn, C. (2022) The vulture restoration project in Pakistan. Hornbill (Jul-Sep): 80-85.

Johnson, T. F. & Murn, C. (2022) Testing the importance of individual nest-site selection for a social and group-living vulture. African Journal of Ecology 61, 6-13.

Johnson, T. F. & Murn, C. (2022) Density of pied crows Corvus alba in two of South Africa’s protected areas. African Journal of Ecology 60: 843-847.


Van Walsum, T., Perna, A., Bishop, C., Murn, C., Collins, P., Wilson, R. & Halsey, L. (2020) Exploring the relation between flapping behaviour and accelerometer signal during ascending flight, and a new approach to calibration. Ibis 162: 13-26.


Stevens, M. C., Murn, C. P. & Hennessey, R. (2019) Population change of Red Kites Milvus milvus in central southern England between 2011-2016 derived from line transect surveys and multiple covariate distance sampling. Acta Ornithologica 54: 243-254.

Stevens, M., Murn, C. & Hennesey, R. (2019) Population change of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo in central southern England between 2011 and 2016. Bird Study 66: 378-389.

Murn, C. (2019) Talon-grappling and cartwheeling of Hooded Vultures in South Africa. Journal of Raptor Research 53: 353-354.

Johnson, T. F. & Murn, C. (2019) Interactions between Pied Crow Corvus albus and breeding White-backed Vultures Gyps africanus. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 31: 240-248.


Monadjem, A., Kane, A., Botha, A., Kelly, C., Murn, C., (2018) Spatially explicit poisoning risk affects survival rates of an obligate scavenger Scientific Reports 8:4364 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-22632-y.


Murn, C., Botha, A. & Wilson, B. (2017) The changing sizes of Critically Endangered White-backed Vulture breeding colonies around Kimberley, South Africa. African Journal of Wildlife Research 47: 144-148.

Thompson, L. J., Davies, J. P., Gudehus, M., Botha, A. J., Bildstein, K. L., Murn, C. & Downs, C T. (2017) Visitors to nests of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in north-eastern South Africa. Ostrich 88: 155-162.

Portugal, S. J., Murn, C. P. & Martin, G. R. (2017). White-headed vultures show visual field characteristics of diurnal hunting raptors. Ibis 159: 463-466.

Murn, C. & Botha, A. (2017). A clear and present danger: impacts of poisoning on a vulture population and the effect of poison response activities. Oryx 52(3): 552-558. doi: 10.1017/S0030605316001137.


Murn, C. & Holloway, G. J. (2016) Using areas of known occupancy to identify sources of variation in detection probability of raptors: taking time lowers replication effort for surveys. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160368.

Murn, C. & Botha, A. (2016) Assessing the accuracy of plotless density estimators using census counts to refine population estimates of the Kruger National Park. Ostrich 87: 241-246.

Murn, C., Mundy, P., Virani, M. Z., Borello, W. D, Holloway, G. J. & Thiollay, J-M. (2016) Using Africa’s protected area network to estimate the global population of a threatened and declining species: a case study of the Critically Endangered White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis. Ecology and Evolution 6: 1092-1103.

Portugal, S. J., Murn, C. P., Sparkes, E. L. & Daley, M. A. (2016) The fast and forceful kicking strike of the snake-hunting Secretary Bird. Current Biology 26: R58-R59.


Ogada, D.L., Shaw, P., Beyers, R.L., Buij, R., Murn, C., Thiollay, J.M., Beale, C.M., Holdo, R.M., Pomeroy, D., Baker, N., Krüger, S.C., Botha, A., Virani, M.Z., Monadjem, A. & Sinclair, A.R.E. (2015) Another continental vulture crisis: Africa’s vultures collapsing toward extinction. Conservation Letters 9: 89-97.

Murn, C., Saeed, U., Khan, U. & Iqbal, S. (2015) Population and spatial breeding dynamics of a Critically Endangered Oriental White-backed Vulture Gyps bengalensis colony in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Bird Conservation International. 25: 415-425.


Murn, C. & Holloway, G.J. (2014) Breeding biology of the White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Ostrich 85: 125-130.

Murn, C. (2014) Observations of predatory behaviour by White-headed Vultures. Journal of Raptor Research 48: 297-299.


Chi, J. F., Lawson, B., Durrant, C., Beckmann, K., John, S., Alrefaei, A., Kirkbride, K., Bell, D. J., Cunningham, A. A. & Tyler, K. (2013) The finch epidemic strain of Trichomonas gallinae is predominant in British non-passerines. Parasitology 140(10): 1234-45.

Request paper: please email info@hawkconservancy.org.

Murn, C., Potter, L., Thompson, C., Ronaldson, G. S. & Botha, A. (2013) Population estimates of three vulture species in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Ostrich 84: 1-9.

Monadjem, A., Botha, A. & Murn, C. (2013) Survival of the African White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus in north-eastern South Africa. African Journal of Ecology 51: 87-93.


Murn, C. P. (2012) Field identification of individual White-headed Vultures Trigonoceps occipitalis using plumage patterns – an information theoretic approach. Bird Study 59: 515-521.

Martin, G. R., Portugal, S. J. & Murn, C. P. (2012) Visual fields, foraging and collision vulnerability in Gyps vultures. Ibis 154: 626-631.


Murn, C. P., Khan, U. & Farid, F. (2011) Recent developments in Gyps vulture conservation in Pakistan. Vulture News 61: 27-30.

Khan, U. & Murn, C. (2011) Gyps Vulture Restoration Project – role of captive breeding in endangered species management. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 21(2): 405-409.

Murn, C. & Hunt, S. (2011) Evaluating the success of release Red Kites in the UK. In: Zuberogoitia, I. & Martinez, J. E. (Eds) Ecology and conservation of European forest-dwelling raptors. pp 351-355. Department of Agriculture, Biscay Regional Government, Spain.


Griffiths, R., Murn, C. & Clubb, R. (2010) Survivorship of rehabilitated juvenile Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) released without support food, a radio tracking study. Avian Biology Research 3(1): 1-6.


Halsey, L.G., Portugal, S.J., Smith, J.A., Murn, C.P. & Wilson, R.P. (2009) Recording raptor behaviour on the wing via accelerometry. Journal of Field Ornithology 80(2): 171-177.

Murn, C., Betchley, P. & Robert, C. (2009) Talon-locking and cartwheeling as a prelude to copulation in Tawny Eagles Aquila rapax. Gabar 20(2): 12-14.


Murn, C., King, A., Hunt, S. & Smith, A. (2008) Captive breeding and re-introduction of red kites to Hampshire, England. In: Soorae, P.S. (Ed.) Avian Biology Research (pp 159-162). Abu Dhabi, UAE: IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group.

Murn, C.P., Khan, U. & Farid, F. (2008) Vulture populations in Pakistan and the Gyps Vulture Restoration Project. Vulture News 58: 35-43.

Murn, C. & Hunt, S. (2008) An assessment of two methods used to release red kites Milvus milvus. Avian Biology Research 1(2): 53-57.

Murn, C. & Anderson, M.D. (2008) Activity patterns of African White-backed Vultures Gyps africanus in relation to different land-use practices and food availability. Ostrich 79(2): 191-198.


Murn, C., Anderson, M.D. & Anthony, A. (2002) Aerial survey of African White-backed vulture colonies around Kimberley, Northern Cape and Free State provinces, South Africa. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 32(2): 145-152.

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