Bird of prey conservation and research

The threats facing bird of prey populations around the world are numerous. A majority of species are under pressure to a lesser or greater extent. Apart from local and/or species specific threats, widespread threats include:

The combined impact of these and other threats presents a poor prognosis for many species. The conservation actions used to defend against these threats are varied and often innovative, but must be based on the results of focused research. As a result, the operational philosophy of the Hawk Conservancy Trust is one of evidence-based conservation management. This is reflected in the variety of projects undertaken by the Trust and this includes a number of research projects.

Save vultures from extinction!

Vultures are the most endangered group of birds in the world and, if nothing is done, populations in Africa could go extinct within 50-60 years.

UK Projects
The Hawk Conservancy Trust's conservation work in the UK aims to generate net positive outcomes for populations of British birds of prey.
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Overseas Projects

The International Vulture Programme (IVP) is a multi-partner initiative that focuses efforts on the research and conservation of eight vulture species in eight countries.

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On-site Projects
On-site projects aim to maximise the conservation value of the Trust in terms of living collection and site biodiversity as well as developing and implementing novel methods of husbandry and welfare improvement for birds of prey.
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National Bird of Prey Hospital™ and rehabilitation work
Opened by the Duke of Gloucester, the Hawk Conservancy Trust's National Bird of Prey Hospital™ can receive and treat more than 200 sick, injured or orphaned birds of prey each year.
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Members of the Hawk Conservancy Trust team regularly author and co-author research published in a range of prestigious academic journals.
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Donations are a vital source of funding and go directly towards our conservation, education, rehabilitation and research work
©2025 Hawk Conservancy Trust