Vulture populations to be extinct sooner following recent poisonings – poachers’ poisoning attack kills over 500 critically endangered vultures

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June has proved to be a devastating month for the team at Hawk Conservancy Trust, near Andover, as they learned of more than 500 vultures killed in less than a month. More worrying now is the real concern that the Trust’s previous scientific predictions of vulture extinction are highly likely to occur earlier than calculated due to the continuing actions of poachers. (more…)

Winner of Literary Competition Announced

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To celebrate International Vulture Awareness Day 2018, we invited you to take part in our Literary Competition.


White-headed Vulture chick named

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On Thursday 9 March a tiny, fluffy White-headed Vulture chick joined our team and we are now pleased to announce that we have named it Severus.


Another White-headed Vulture chick

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On Thursday 9 March a tiny, fluffy White-headed Vulture chick joined our team and we were ecstatic!


2016 Photographic Competition Results

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The results of the Trust’s annual Photographic Competition are now in!


Chicks at Changa Manga

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We are thrilled to announce the hatching of two further Oriental White-backed Vulture chicks at the conservation breeding centre at Changa Manga, near Lahore in Pakistan. This exciting news for this critically endangered species follows the breeding success of last April, which was the first successful breeding of this species in captivity in Pakistan.


The hare and the tortoise method proves best for vulture monitoring

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Slowly but surely: The Royal Society publishes clever report by Dr Campbell Murn that describes the best way to survey large raptors.


White-headed Vulture hatched at the Trust

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Delight as White-headed Vulture is hatched at the Trust – fantastic news for this Critically Endangered species.


Study concludes extinction is a real threat for African vultures

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Extinction is a real possibility as six out of 11 of Africa’s vulture species are uplisted to Endangered and Critically Endangered after a study by our Head of Conservation and Research.


©2025 Hawk Conservancy Trust