Overseas Conservation Update

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Earlier this year we shared with you in our Owl Message e-newsletter about the plans that we had in place for 2020 overseas conservation and research work: aerial surveys in Kruger National Park; the conclusion of the Hooded Vulture project; new work on Tawny Eagles and ramping up a new project on the Endangered Lappet-faced Vulture. As we all know, 2020 has not turned out as anyone planned and one of the outcomes of this has been the postponement of several project activities until 2021.


Our Marion Paviour Award is reinstated for 2020!

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We are delighted to announce that the Hawk Conservancy Trust has reinstated the Marion Paviour Award for 2020, thanks to a generous donation from E3 Leadership Development. Applications are now open! (more…)

Buzzing about Buzzards – new animation about our Buzzard research!

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During the 1960s and 70s Buzzards were lost from many parts of the UK, mainly due to ongoing persecution, a crash in prey populations and poisonous pesticides. (more…)

Success for Asian White-backed Vultures in Pakistan!

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The White-backed Vulture colony at Changa Manga breeding facility has fledged three new chicks this year! This brings the group size up to 25, and is the best breeding year yet. It really shows what a brilliant job facility supervisor, Abdul Ghaffar, is doing. (more…)

Our Africa Project Officer Andre gives some insights on his recent work!

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We were very lucky that our Africa Project Officer Andre made it to the UK for a visit to the Trust (and safely back home to South Africa!) just before the virus restrictions were increased. (more…)

Red Kite populations more than double!

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But, the species still faces numerous threats. Our latest research on Red Kite population changes is out now!


Our 2019 Marion Paviour awardee Diego Mendez shares some initial results!

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Diego Mendez won our Marion Paviour award in 2019 for his fascinating research project with King Vultures! The King Vulture is one of the most understudied raptors in South America; Diego is using the funds from the award to survey roosts, foraging grounds and, potentially, nests of the King Vulture in central Bolivia. (more…)

A Year in Vulture Conservation 2019

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January – A team of trained field staff were able to respond to a poisoning incident in Kenya on a hyena carcass, where 20 vultures were killed. (more…)

A Year in UK Conservation 2019

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January – Recruited 9 new volunteers to help with our Kestrel Monitoring Project, walking transects to record bird of prey sightings. This research is extremely important for us to understand how populations across central-southern England are changing so we can work out the best strategies to conserve them. (more…)

South Africa field trip 2019

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Back in September our Head of Development, Andy Hinton, and Bird Team member, Ben Cox, headed out to South Africa for our annual conservation field trip to Dronfield Nature Reserve, near Kimberley in the Northern Cape. They also spent some time in Mokala National Park and were lucky enough to take a trip to the Kalahari Desert in northern South Africa. This trip is bittersweet for those who attend.  (more…)

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