In April of 2017 our team was joined by two adorable balls of fluff.
This year, two members of our bird team, James and Ben, will be challenging themselves in order to raise funds for critically endangered vultures.
Between April and June 2017, our National Bird of Prey Hospital™ received and treated a total of 36 birds.
There is always something happening at the Trust, with highlights this summer including: The school summer holidays mark the return of our popular Sarson Falconer demonstration, offering you the chance to join in the display (limited spaces, sign up on arrival). For 2017, there is a new Young Explorer’s Trail for all intrepid adventurers looking for a challenge with the aim of earning a special treat. Immerse children in nature – let them discover an underwater world in our daily pond dipping sessions, or perhaps they’ll enjoy the thrill of a tractor ride around our stunning chalk downland wildflower meadow. […]
On Thursday 9 March a tiny, fluffy White-headed Vulture chick joined our team and we are now pleased to announce that we have named it Severus.
On Saturday 11 March 2017, a Peregrine Falcon was found by a member of the public with an injured wing and was subsequently brought to our National Bird of Prey Hospital™. A full assessment by our vet, John Chitty, revealed that the bird had a stable fracture between the Radius and Ulna. The fracture was consistent with that of a gunshot wound. As with all birds of prey, it is illegal to injure or kill Peregrine Falcons under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. PC Stephen Rogerson, Wildlife Crime Officer at Hampshire Constabulary said “The bird may have either been shot […]
We are saddened and frustrated to report that another poisoning attack has taken place in southern Africa. 94 White-backed Vultures were poisoned after feeding from a poached elephant carcass that had been laced with poison. One vulture is currently being treated. At the moment, we do not have any more details but will add anything we find out when possible. Please help us to keep our poison response activity going to help reduce the loss of these endangered birds from poisoning by supporting our work. The Vulture Crisis Africa’s vultures are facing many threats – the most significant being poisoning and […]
Spring is in the air and now is the perfect time for you to get outside and immerse yourself and the children in nature.
On Thursday 9 March a tiny, fluffy White-headed Vulture chick joined our team and we were ecstatic!
Following on from our five year long Raptor Nest Box Project exploring the effects of nest boxes on Kestrel populations, this spring we’ve launched a new project, Kestrel Count 2.