Owl Pellet Dissection

Turn your pupils into budding young detectives, as they discover the fascinating world of owls and their pellets!

This workshop is designed to give your pupils a unique insight into the feeding habits of our native owls in an exciting and interactive way. Pupils will learn all about British owls and their fascinating food chain by dissecting an owl pellet, collected from the wild by our UK Conservation Biologist as part of our Raptor Nest Box Scheme. Working in groups of two’s or three’s, they will hunt for small animal bones located within the pellet to discover what the owls have been eating. They may even find a skull or two! Your students will learn about the importance of a healthy food chain, and how pellets can be used by scientists to study birds of prey in the wild.

This workshop is a memorable experience not to be missed!

Key subject:


Adaptable for:

Key Stage 1 – Key Stage 2 (can be adapted for Key Stage 3)


Pupils will be able to:

Curriculum links:

Running time:

50-60 minutes

Enquire today

If you are interested in finding out more or booking one of our on-site school workshops, please get in touch using the below form.

    During which term are you looking to arrange your trip?

    Please tell us which workshop you are interested in:
    Conservation in ActionAsk the ExpertIntroduction to OwlsBird of Prey AdaptationsOwl Pellet DissectionI'm not sure yetI only want to book a visit, I'm not interested in the workshops

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    Did you know?
    When threatened, vultures sometimes vomit. This is used to lighten their body weight for an easier getaway.
    ©2024 Hawk Conservancy Trust