Ben says farewell

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My name is Ben Cox and I am a Bird Team member and the Events Coordinator here at the Hawk Conservancy Trust. My time at the Trust is nearing its end and I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you my story and journey of working here.

First of all I would like to say a huge thank you to the Trust as a whole: I have been so blessed to have worked alongside so many incredible people and Birds in my time here. The organisation has given me so much over the years, from priceless experience to essential life skills and some phenomenal memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life. This place will always hold a very special place in my heart and I will never forget it.

Let me rewind the clock to 17 years ago, when I was 10 years old and had my first visit at the Hawk Conservancy Trust. I always had a keen passion for wildlife and nature in general, my heroes growing up were Steve Irwin and David Attenborough. Once I visited the Trust I knew, in that moment, that birds of prey were the animals I wanted to work with. The way that the Bird Team were working with the birds and the majesty of the birds themselves was just mesmerising. After that visit all I wanted to do was work at the Trust, all I ever talked about were birds of prey and all the facts and figures that came with them. Between the ages of 11 – 13 years old I was fortunate enough to take part in the after school club that ran at the time at the Trust. There were roughly ten of us each week, and this was a fantastic opportunity to spend more time at the Trust. It also gave me the opportunity to build relationships with the team that worked there. These were extremely good times and I learnt so much.

I continued to visit the Trust regularly and kept in close contact with the team that worked there. It was my absolute delight that when I turned 16 years old I got an offer to have a seasonal position during the summer holidays that year. I, of course, jumped at the opportunity and absolutely thrived. This really solidified for me that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, it was an epic summer and yet again I gained so much priceless experience from this position. At the end of my seasonal position I had the absolute privilege of receiving an offer to be the next Bird Team Apprentice.

At 17 years old I started in this role – it was everything I hoped for and more. I was able to be a part of the Bird Team doing all the things I had dreamed about for such a long time. I learnt so much during these three years, things like commentating demonstrations, training birds, flying birds in demonstrations and running experience days. I managed to finish my apprenticeship with a level 2 and level 3 extended diploma qualification, which I was overjoyed with. At the end of my apprenticeship I got offered a permanent contract as a member of the Bird Team. This gave me a feeling of elation, all my hard work and persistence had paid off and I was fully “fledged” in my bird of prey career.


At this point in my career I had a fantastic opportunity to move into on-site accommodation, so not only did I have my dream job I also was able to call it my home too. From the ages of 19 – 23 I loved my Bird Team position and took every opportunity that came my way. I became Head of the Middle Section here at the Trust, trained quite a few birds and had one of the best experiences of my life, which was a work trip to South Africa to actively help to monitor African White-backed Vultures. It was a trip that I will never forget and I will be forever grateful to the Trust for allowing me the chance to go. I had been talking about and advocating for these incredible birds for such a long time, so having the opportunity to go out and help with my own two hands was just amazing and an indescribable feeling!

At 24, I became the Events Coordinator alongside my Bird Team member role too. I have adored this role and it has been a fantastic bit of progression. I really enjoy organising events and seeing the whole process through from the very first creative meeting, discussing what we could do for an event, to the planning stage and then seeing the event come to life for real (for potentially up to 600 people at times!) is an unbelievable feeling.

I have been fortunate enough to be a part of so many incredible events here at the Trust. One of the highlights for me has to be the first ever event I ran on my own which was an Owls by Moonlight evening. Our Sunset at the Trust evening events have also been a huge highlight for me as this was the first event that I led with creating the concept for, of course I had lots of help from all the other departments and the team here at the Trust to bring this vision to life. A moment I will never forget is flying Chaucer the Lanner Falcon on the first of these events, to a piece of music that I absolutely adore, with a glorious summer sunset in the background. Finally, being a part of all of our big fundraising events has been really exciting. I have been lucky enough to be a part of many big roles in these events over the years – often getting dressed up to look like a particular character! My biggest highlight had to be “Flight at the Movies” in 2022, where I had four costume changes during the show! Although this was a challenge, it was also extremely exciting and successful.

It is safe to say that my time at the Trust has been sensational, and as I go onto my next venture in life I certainly will not be a stranger. The Hawk Conservancy Trust means so much to me and it’s a place I couldn’t stay away from for too long. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of you for all of your continued support for the Trust,  the birds that are in our care, and supporting our work to conserve them. I would also like to say a huge thank you to the most incredible team at the Trust – I have made friends for life and have memories to last a lifetime. I am truly so lucky. I will miss a lot about the Trust however this is not the end, until the next time we meet take care and keep spreading the word about this incredible place and the magnificent birds that call it home.

Many thanks, Ben Cox


Transect tales with Tanith

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Transects are an essential aspect of our conservation and research with British birds of prey, where sightings of these birds along a set walked route are recorded. These surveys take place in the spring and autumn to inform us about numbers and population changes across Southern England. We caught up with our Research Assistant Tanith Jones to hear about what it’s like to walk a transect.

“Spring has truly sprung and with the emergence of Snowdrops, Daffodils and some slightly warmer and sunnier days, it marks the beginning of the fieldwork season for many conservation biologists. Here at the Trust, we kick-start the new year with raptor transect surveys as part of the British Raptor Programme. Starting in mid-February and running through to April, these surveys are an excellent way to count and monitor birds of prey. This time of year especially, many raptors are displaying and defending territories. Some of the more elusive species, such as Goshawk, can be more visible this time of the year too!

So, what is a raptor transect survey?

Our raptor transect surveys involve walking a 9-13km loop route, recording observations of birds of prey and the location of the bird/s in relation to the transect route. Ultimately, these surveys can be a useful way to determine distribution and numbers of species across a large area – in this instance, a whopping 19,072km2 across the Southeast of the UK! Covering Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex, Buckinghamshire and Kent, there are a lot of miles to be walked. Fortunately, the Conservation and Research Department are supported by a dedicated team of volunteers who walk some of the routes during the survey season and have contributed massively to this amazing project.

How to spot and identify birds of prey?

Ideally, a clear and calm day is perfect for getting out on these surveys. Good visibility is important for spotting birds and having some trusty binoculars really helps too. Birds of prey are often further afield or camouflaged within hedgerows and treelines and so having this piece of kit is essential to make sure you have that ‘eagle’ eye. If you are lucky, there may be a clear line of sight to a bird of prey perched nearby, but usually sightings can be very brief making identification trickier. For example, a Sparrowhawk in a fast pursuit along a hedgerow is arguably much harder to spot than a vocal Buzzard soaring in clear blue skies. When out on a transect, I always make sure to scan hedgerows, treelines, pylons and utility poles, dead trees, trees with a good vantage point, the ground, stone walls and fencing posts. These are examples of likely places to find birds of prey, but expect the unexpected and always look up and behind you too!

Plumage is a great way to identify birds of prey, but if the light is not great, or the bird is high up circling on a thermal, it is not always easy to base identification on this alone. Body shape, wing and tail shape, wing and tail length, vocalisations, flight style, behaviours and habitat are things that should be considered if the observation is not as clear. Size of the bird is also a good feature to help distinguish between some birds of prey, but it can be tricky if there is no reference at a similar distance. Not every observation is an easy identification, but practice and combining some extra information from these features can help with the accuracy of the identification.

Sometimes birds of prey can also be spotted by using the responses of other species. Corvids (like Crows and Rooks), for example, are very protective and territorial, so much so that they will actively discourage and dive at a bird of prey if they get too close to a roost or nesting site. This “mobbing” behaviour is a great way to spot a bird such as a Buzzard or Red Kite since the erratic flight is quite jarring along a treeline. Another example is if flocks of passerines (like Bluetits or Goldfinches) flush from hedgerows along with lots of alarm calls, it is likely that a predator, such as a Sparrowhawk could be causing all the distress.

I thoroughly enjoy these transect surveys since you never know what you might encounter. It is a great way to see our birds of prey in action, and recording them in this way helps to build an understanding of their distribution and population over the years.”

Caroline Nokes MP visits the Hawk Conservancy Trust

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We were delighted to welcome Caroline Nokes, MP for Romsey and Southampton North, now our local MP, to the Hawk Conservancy Trust on Friday 21 March, as part of her visits for English Tourism Week.

We were thrilled to be acknowledged as one of the most prominent tourist destinations in the constituency and recognised for our contribution to conservation, education, rehabilitation and research of birds of prey and their habitats.

Caroline Nokes met some members of the team at the Trust to hear more about our work, including our conservation projects in her constituency and overseas, our engagement with schools and inspiring the next generation of conservationists, and our future plans to continue our mission to conserve birds of prey and their habitats.

Mrs Nokes watched the ‘Woodland Owls’ display with the team and met Walter, one of our Great Grey Owls for a closer encounter, after the display.

In an article released by The Office of The Rt Hon Caroline Nokes MP, the Trust was recognised for “Supporting the local economy through tourism and environmental engagement…[and] has earned a reputation both nationally and internationally for its innovative conservation programmes and educational outreach”.  The article reported Mrs Nokes to have “praised the Trust’s role in boosting employment and offering unique volunteering opportunities, contributing to both the environment and the community. She reiterated the importance of recognising and supporting institutions like the Hawk Conservancy Trust as the tourism and environmental sectors continue to develop”.

Following the visit, Caroline Nokes MP, said “The Hawk Conservancy Trust is a fantastic example of how tourism and conservation can go hand in hand. It’s one of our constituency’s greatest assets, not just for the incredible experience it offers to visitors, but for the important work it does in conserving and rehabilitating birds of prey. English Tourism Week is a perfect time to shine a spotlight on this exceptional organisation.”

Penny Smout, our CEO, said “It was delightful to meet Caroline and share insights into our recent achievements as well as our future ambitions. We are grateful for her time and support, and knowledgeable discussion about the challenges we face. Although Caroline has been a visitor to the Trust and is aware of our work, it was a fabulous opportunity to discuss our projects in more detail and we look forward to working together to conserve birds of prey and their habitats”.

Top five things this Easter

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Five things to get egg-cited about at the Hawk Conservancy Trust!

Fly over to see us here at the Hawk Conservancy Trust this Easter. Bring the whole family along to enjoy a jam-packed day watching our new display, cracking our Easter trail, plus activities running from first thing in the morning through until the very end of the day. Easter is a popular time to visit, so pre-booking your ticket is recommended to guarantee your visit on your chosen date.


New ‘Woodland Wonders’ flying display taking off for the Easter Holidays

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A new bird of prey flying display is being launched just in time for the Easter holidays!

The new ‘Woodland Wonders’ flying display will take flight daily from Saturday 5 April, following extensive remodelling work within our Woodland Arena. It will bring to life the quintessential British woodland environment and highlight its importance as a habitat for the many species of wildlife it supports.

Multiple birds of prey will take to the air as stunningly choreographed music, special effects and narration give visitors a close-up view of life deep among the trees. Some may feel the breeze of an owl’s wings brushing incredibly close overhead – perhaps those of a Tawny Owl, Barn Owl or even a Little Owl – so named as the smallest species of owl living wild in the UK.

Speaking about the new display, our Deputy Head of Living Collection Tom Morath said: “The team has been working on Woodland Wonders for months now and we can’t wait to share it with our visitors.  Set within our beautiful woodland, this is the most intimate of the three very different flying displays we offer every day. With its new features and captivating storytelling, Woodland Wonders reveals more than ever before about fascinating birds of prey here in the UK.  Our visitors can learn about the challenges these birds face, and how the Trust’s British conservation projects improve our knowledge of these species, helping us to conserve them. Ultimately, we try to ensure all our visitors leave feeling uplifted, more aware and inspired to support birds of prey.”

“We’ve really spread our creative wings for Woodland Wonders.  The team of staff and volunteers have worked incredibly hard to make this our most immersive experience to date – expanding the seating for new and dynamic viewing angles and even creating a charming waterfall and stream as a backdrop to the stunning skills displayed by our wonderful birds.”

Many of you will have seen last year’s arrival of Little Owl chicks Cheddar and Mozzarella and Barn Owl chicks Lulu and Brie.  All four are now fully grown and ready to take flight in the new display when it opens at the start of April.



Mathilde’s time at the Trust

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Last month, we said goodbye to our Conservation and Research Intern, Mathilde Ducroz, as she finished her seven month Internship here at the Hawk Conservancy Trust. We caught up with her in her final month to hear about her time with us and the hands-on experience she gained.

“As my time at the Trust is coming to an end after an exciting and packed seven months, here are some of the things I have been up to as Conservation and Research Intern.

My first week started strong with a successful moth trapping session in the Savannah Arena. Having not studied them in great detail before, it was nice to discover more about these animals and see the diversity of shapes, sizes and colours, in particular their camouflage capabilities (as can be seen on the picture below of the Miller blending in with the rocky ground). Some species that caught my eye were all the hawk-moths (such as the Poplar Hawk-Moth below). Over my time at the Trust, we conducted multiple sessions and it was interesting to see the difference in species at various locations and time of year. For example, the trap in the Woodland Arena yielded a very different catch than the ones in Reg’s Wildflower Meadow or the Savannah Arena with a very large number of Large Yellow Underwing. Although I came not knowing anything about them, I quickly started recognising species, picking up identification tips from our extremely knowledgeable biodiversity volunteers Monica and Brigid. I highly recommend giving it a go in your garden at home, all you need is a strong lightbulb, white sheet, some egg boxes and a field guide (or the internet)!

During my time here, I also carried out many other surveys using a variety of techniques to measure biodiversity on-site. This included butterfly transects, vegetation quadrats, small mammal footprint tunnels, camera trapping and more. All are useful skills for future jobs. I even, to my surprise, enjoyed pitfall trapping, which looks at invertebrate life on site. Who would have thought there was such a variety of spiders? Below is a picture of the more colourful Wasp Spider. Over July, August and September, I also helped Tanith, the Trust’s Research Assistant, with small mammal surveying at the Trust and two other local external sites. If you want to learn more about this project, I recommend reading our previous blog post explaining it in more detail. By far what I enjoyed the most was monitoring the progress of our Barn Swallow nests on-site, including one just by the front door of my accommodation. A total of 11 chicks fledged from three different nests so if you ever visit around July and August keep your eye and ears peeled for them!

After a busy summer period of surveying, October was a lot quieter. I spent a lot of time writing up fact sheets based on recent research on the different birds of prey flown at the Trust. These will be used by the Bird and Marketing Teams when wanting new information to use during displays or post about our bird’s counterparts in the wild. I gained a wide breadth of knowledge on the ecology and behaviour of various birds of prey including some fun facts. Did you know that Golden Eagles in Greece have learnt to feed on tortoises by dropping them onto rocks? Or that the Little Owl’s scientific name, Athene noctua, is named after the bird’s association with Athena, the goddess of wisdom?

From October to December, I helped Dr Matt Stevens, our British Projects Manager, by doing a few raptor transects across the south-east of the country from Banbury to Whitstable to Brighton.  What’s better than collecting valuable scientific data while walking across the English countryside (plus it’s a fair-weather survey, so no need worry about getting soaked!)? It was really nice to learn distance sampling surveying using a range finder and compass, which is sure to be useful for me in the future. Some birding highlights included a Merlin and three Marsh Harriers as well as any Kestrel sighted (especially when seen hovering). Other than birds of prey, I also saw Stonechats which are always a treat to observe, a Kingfisher and a Woodcock. The most memorable, despite not being a bird, was without a doubt a very special encounter with an Otter.

This last month, I have focused on the analysis and report writing of the project I have been undertaking. I looked at the diversity and abundance of wild birds at the Hawk Conservancy Trust using data from surveys I carried out, as well as data from previous years. In doing this, I had the chance to refresh and improve my coding and analysis skills. The analysis showed that wild bird diversity and abundance has increased on-site, in particular for woodland species. It is nice to see some more unusual birds appearing regularly at the Trust such as Corn Buntings and Yellowhammers. Close encounters with the local Kestrel is always a treat. Some rare one-off sightings included a Common Snipe and Barn Owl, both at the bottom left of the meadow so keep your eyes peeled next time you visit!

Working at the Trust allowed me to attend the flying displays and I particularly enjoyed the Brilliant Bird Brain sessions at the end of day. I highly recommend staying until the end of the day during the summer timetable for them. These often quieter sessions allow visitors to gain insight into how the birds are trained and meet a species which you might not have seen at other displays. I also took the opportunity to see some of the special events, all better than the next, from Sunset at the Trust to the Christmas Market to the latest Winter Woodland Lights.

It has been a pleasure to be working at the Trust and I will miss working with the people here. I felt welcomed from my first day and integrated into the team. A special thank you to Jamie, our Conservation and Research Coordinator, and Tanith, our Research Assistant on the British Raptor Programme, who had to put up with me the most! I am sad to leave but hope that future projects or career opportunities will lead me to work with the Trust again.”



Welcome Stilton!

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An impressively sized Steppe Eagle is settling into his new home here at the Hawk Conservancy Trust.

Visitors to the Trust have already been meeting the new resident and learning his name is ‘Stilton’, in line with the bird of prey charity’s 2024 cheese-based naming theme.  However, this migratory species is named after its preferred breeding habitat – the Steppe region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.Stilton is a magnificent example of these dark brown eagles, which can be between 71 and 81cm tall, weigh from 2.4 to 4.9kg (the same as an average Yorkshire Terrier) and have a wingspan typically extending up to two metres!

Sadly, the Steppe Eagle is globally Endangered and its population is estimated to have declined by around 60% since 2010. Habitat loss and electrocution on powerlines are the big problems, and in Europe, the Steppe Eagle is Critically Endangered.

We are hopeful that Stilton will join experiences and flying displays this year for our summer season.  These activities not only enable the public to witness the real-life beauty of wildlife but also serve to raise awareness of the need to continue our vital conservation and research work.

Talking about Stilton’s skills as an ambassador for all Steppe Eagles, Bird Team member Jennie Marshall said: “He has a really lovely character – very chatty and well-mannered. Birds of prey are often pretty wary when meeting new people for the first time, so on our first face-to-beak meeting, I wasn’t expecting him to be immediately comfortable with me. However, the first thing he did was jump onto my gloved hand to say hello!

“Stilton really is a rising star. It will be amazing to see how he progresses and it’s great that visitors can follow his journey – from seeing him in his aviary right now right through to his debut in flying displays.”

Stilton has been settling well into his aviary near the Woodland Area. He’s a very chatty chap, so make sure you swing by to say hello on your next visit.



©2025 Hawk Conservancy Trust