‘Meet the Burrowers’ officially opened by Martin Hughes-Games

It’s open! Our brand new ‘Meet the Burrowers’ exhibit is now ready for you to come and discover more about these cute and curious creatures that nest underground.

This exhibit was officially opened by Martin Hughes-Games during our Wildlife Weekend at the end of July (2018).

This exhibit is much more than an aviary, though. You can delve into the ‘tunnel’ for an eye to eye meeting with a Burrowing Owl, and discover lots of fascinating information about them.

The Burrowing Owl is related to the Little Owl but has longer legs. It is very vocal, with many different calls. The chicks will imitate rattlesnakes to deter predators from the burrow. Whilst it will normally use burrows abandoned by other animals, it is also a very effective digger and capable of excavating burrows itself.

At the end of July, this exhibit was officially opened by Martin Hughes-Games.

‘Meet the Burrowers’ exhibit made possible by funding from the Loddon and Test LEADER Programme of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Hawk Conservancy Trust 100 Club.

Visit this summer to Meet the Burrowers yourself!


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